Rebel (Devil's Tears MC Book 3) Read online

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  I unhook Star’s bra and toss it onto the floor. She hugs herself, but I take her wrists and gently bunch them behind her back.

  Her tits are perfect—large, topped with pink areolas. They beg for my mouth to caress them.

  I can see goose bumps pop up all over Star’s skin and her nipples harden, begging for my teeth to bite down on them.

  My wife is absolute perfection.

  I grip her waist and sit her on the marble top next to the washbasin. Her hands jerk up as I spread her thighs. Her lips part. Her eyes gleam, and I wonder whether she knows nothing or knows everything. I glide my fingers over her lower lip and put one into her mouth. Her eyes widen, and she gasps. I lean in and kiss the corner of her mouth. Then I circle her nipple with my finger wet from her mouth. Star presses her thighs against my hips and digs her fingers into my back. I move my mouth down her neck and bite her lightly just above her shoulder. She yelps.

  Our glances meet.

  “Star? Everything fine?”

  She nods, her breath ragged, her cheeks red.

  “Your tits are beautiful,” I rasp.

  She beams at me.

  My body pulsates with hot wild need. I stifle the urge to turn her, bend her over the top and fuck her hard from behind. No, I’d have her on all fours. Her tits would bounce with every thrust.

  I hook her under the arms with my hands and sink my face between her tits. I plant kisses along her crevice then touch her nipple with the tip of my tongue. Star’s body shivers. I draw her breast fully into my mouth, and she gasps.

  My glance shifts to hers. “Good?”

  She nods. “Good.”

  “We’re gonna have a shower now, Star.”

  “Okay, Rebel. I love you.”

  I chuckle and she drops her head, clearly embarrassed by herself. Fuck. I need to be more careful with her. More gentle.

  I’m a crude bastard and this has to stop. Star needs to feel like my princess. No, like my queen.

  “Star, baby, I love you like mad. You’re my little bird.”

  I enclose her into my arms. Then I pull her panties down and toss them over the pile of our clothes. She doesn’t like it. Her body becomes taut, and she hugs herself. My heart pounds in my chest. I want to fuck her rough and I barely control myself.

  “Star. Everything is as it should be. I love your pussy.” I stroke her head. “I want to look at your pretty pussy.” I plant a kiss on her forehead. “You want to look at my cock?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I lower my pants as my stiff cock springs out. I step out of them and kick them towards the rest of our clothes.

  Star starts panting. She frowns as her nostrils flare.

  “Do you like my cock, Star?”

  “I… I like you, Rebel.”

  I grasp her waist and put her on the floor then I push her gently into the shower cabin. As the murmur and heat of water envelop us, I turn her round and set her back against my chest.

  “Do you want to have a baby as Daisy has her Amber?” I ask.

  “I like babies.”

  “I know.”

  She feels so small and fragile against me. She’s of medium height, but I’m as tall as my dad.

  “I want to have a baby with you, Star. Two babies.”

  Hell yeah. Two little Rebels and later two little Stars. Euphoria clouds my mind.

  “I love you,” she hums.

  And I love her. It’s almost like I’m touching the essence of heaven. She’s all goodness and grace. My ultimate happiness.

  I palm her breast then run my fingers down to her unshaven mound. She’s so pure, so pristine. My arm crosses over her chest as I spread her folds and rub my thumb against her clit. She jerks her body away, but I tighten my embrace around her.

  “Star, baby, let me make you feel good. I love your little pussy, and I want to touch it.”

  “Okay. Touch me.”

  I nibble on her earlobe and stroke her clit in circles. She gasps and tenses against me. I massage her harder and I feel her ass push against my groin. She wiggles. I hold her chin and close her sweet mouth with mine. She welcomes my tongue with hers, timidly at first. We kiss deeper. Our tongues tangle together, wiggle in a primal dance. I rub my thumb against her clit, kissing her gasps. She jerks her body to the side, but I don’t allow her to escape me. I work her faster, and she moans into my mouth. Her body arches against mine as her hands urge me to kiss her deeper. She pushes her ass against my groin and grabs my wrist, demanding that I give her release. So I give her release. I watch her beautiful orgasm. I turn her, slamming her on the tiled wall, and latch my mouth on hers. I hold my cock and start stroking myself. I don’t need much—just my wife in my embrace. I’ve been living a life of celibacy since Angela. Well, my hand was my best friend from time to time. I need to shake it off. I need my release.

  Heat shoots to my toes, and I spill my seed over Star’s tummy. Our glances meet, and I see consternation in hers. Her palms are facing the ceiling.

  “I love you, Star.”

  She moves away from me, and I see it’s been too much for her. She grabs a towel, pats herself dry and pulls a bathrobe on. I watch her brush her teeth and walk out of the bathroom.


  I dive under the comforter and wait for him.

  Everything is so weird with him.

  His cock is so big. Scary. And it’s not scary. It’s beautiful. I want to look at his cock, and I don’t. I’m ashamed when I watch him without his clothes on. And I’m so excited at the same time. Most of the time I feel lost though.

  I liked his touch, liked everything we just did, but now I’m very tired. So tired that I want to curl up into a ball and fall asleep.

  I hear him leave the bathroom. My eyes travel to him, and I watch him lie down beside me, his body naked and damp. So hot that it almost burns my skin.

  “How are you?” he asks.

  “I’m very tired.”

  “Sleep.” His mouth touches my arm, and I giggle.

  “It tickles, Rebel.”

  He pulls me to him, and I rest my head against his arm.

  Should I kiss him?

  I want to.

  “What is it, Star?”

  I feel his hard cock against my thigh, and my tummy fills with this pleasant yet unbearable heat again. His lips are on mine. I can’t breathe. Suddenly, I’m on my back, and he’s on top of me. His mouth hurts mine. His fingers dig into my hip and cause me pain. I feel a cry well up in my chest. My brain hurts. My body hurts. I want to flee.

  I want him so much, but this ugly part of me wants solitude and silence. This ugly part of me can’t bear his touch now. This ugly part of me takes over my mind.

  It feels like there are two Stars—the normal Star and the ugly Star. The normal Star fades.


  She shuts down. I pull on my jeans and leave the room to give her space. My impatience ruined everything. I love her so much, but it seems like my love makes her feel worse.

  I close the door. The silence of the corridor envelops me as the Victorian wall lanterns make me feel like I’ve gone back in time. I lower to the floor and sit with my legs folded and splayed.

  Cindy emerges from one of the rooms and moves closer to me. She tilts her head and flashes me a genuine smile.

  “Everything fine?” she asks.

  “Get lost,” I growl.

  She widens her eyes. “They said you were rude.” Mischievous flickers dance in her eyes and she looks like Daisy. “I’ve had a good training so I’ve learned to cope with all sorts of rudeness.” She winks at me.

  Yep, the bitch seems to be as tough as Daisy.

  I see her husband at the farther end of the corridor. He picks up the pace and joins us.

  “Your wife kicked you out?” Luka asks as humour coats his voice.

  Cindy glares at him. “I told you it was complicated.”

  Luka flashes his wife a wide grin, his blue eyes gleaming. The guy must be my age or a bit older. He
is as massive as all the Russians I’ve met in life, but has the strangest hair I’ve ever seen—it’s grey—in different shades of grey. It doesn’t make him look old though. It makes him look intriguing. I’d say women must throw themselves at him.

  “Party here or in the library?” he asks.

  “Here,” I say.

  I like him.

  He seems very straightforward, and I like it. He backs up and soon comes back with two bottles of vodka, a bottle of coke, and three shot glasses. Cindy sits beside me, leaning against the wall, and Luka drops onto the floor opposite me, cross-legged.

  “Like a students’ party,” Luka says and opens one of the bottles.

  “I’ve never attended university,” I say. “I finished my education at the age of sixteen.”

  “So you must have a very high life intelligence,” Luka says. “There’s many types of intelligence.”

  “If you’re saying I’m intelligent then I’m not gonna argue,” I say.

  We clink glasses and gulp our vodka, slamming the empty shot glasses on the floor. Even Cindy does this ritual properly, and she doesn’t wince at the taste of the alcohol. The door of my room creaks open, and I see Star sneaking out of it. She’s still wearing the oversized bathrobe.

  I wave my hand at her. She moves closer to me and settles herself within my body, my folded legs at either side of her.

  “You okay?” I plant a kiss on her jaw.

  “Yes,” she whispers and pulls her knees to her chest. “It’s better.”

  Luka pours her a shot of vodka and she seeks permission from me.

  “Sure,” I say. “Get drunk. Have fun.”

  She takes a sip and coughs. I stroke her back up and down as Luka encourages her with his hand and a flow of Russian words. She pours the rest of her alcohol into her throat and washes it down with a long pull of coke straight from the bottle.

  I bury my face into her neck, and she giggles. We have another round of vodka and the world becomes a very funny place to me. My wife is so soft to touch, so irresistible.

  “Rebel,” Luka growls, shoving the shot glass into my hand. “Drink, brother. Zdarovye.”

  “Zdarrh… Zdarrhovya,” I say and everybody laughs.

  Even Star laughs.

  I pat Luka’s shoulder. “You are a good Russian guy.”

  “Drink Americaniec,” he says and waves the other bottle of vodka in front of my face.

  I think this is my fifth shot. I gulp it and my mind spins. I slam my lips on Star’s and squeeze her breast.

  I need to fuck my wife. I need to fuck her now. I need to have her in every way.

  Cindy tears her away from me and they suddenly disappear. Luka shoves shot after shot into my hand until blackness covers my vision.

  Chapter 6


  He smells horrible, and he is snoring. He snores like a big bear.

  “Rebel?” I pat his nose with two of my fingers.

  He opens his eyes and I see that they’re bloodshot and a bit puffy. He looks like my dad when he spent the night in the bar. Kind of funny. My dad never drinks much, and he’s gotten drunk maybe ten times. He used to smoke a lot though.


  “Star, baby…” He sits up and curses under his breath. “Are you alright?”


  I slept in Cindy’s bedroom and, in the late morning, she allowed me to return to my room. We’d slept in one big bed with four pillars and her husband had slept on the floor in the bathroom.

  “I’m sorry,” Rebel says. “So sorry, sweetheart.”

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I got drunk like a pig.”

  “You were funny.”

  He crawls off the bed as my eyes sweep over him. He’s still wearing his jeans and the fabric is stained with vodka.

  “I’ll have a shower,” Rebel says and disappears into the bathroom.

  I hear him turn on the water in the shower cabin, shave and brush his teeth. Fifteen minutes later, he returns to me and we sit on the bed.

  “Morning, little bird.” He sweeps a wisp of my hair away from my face.

  I cling to him and he tumbles me over so I’m on my back and he’s on top of me. He looks much better and doesn’t smell of alcohol.

  “What do you want to do today?” he asks.

  I want to kiss, but I don’t know how to tell him about it.

  “We’ll have lunch and go for a walk,” he says.


  “Are you sad, little bird?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I won’t get drunk again, Star, I promise. No drinking, just giving my wife a lot of attention.”

  His voice is suddenly unpleasant to me, and I move away from him. I stand by the window and watch white fluffy clouds float in the sky. They’re floating like ships and the sky is so intensely blue that it’s blinding me.

  I’m numb. Then I want to kiss and touch. But Rebel doesn’t move from the bed to embrace me. Anger wells up in my chest. It fills my veins, poisons my mind, and explodes. I sweep my hand. It hits the windowsill and the pain paralyses me. Rebel jumps from the bed, strides towards me, and pulls me to him, but I’m so angry I slam my fist into his chest. He turns me round and wraps his arms around me. We lower to the floor, and I can’t move. Rebel’s arms are immobilising me like a few nooses of thick rope. I start crying. I cry and cry and cry. Then Rebel lays me on the bed, and I fall asleep.


  I guard her like a dog, sitting on the floor by the bed. She wakes up in the early evening, and I take her downstairs to the restaurant. Her eyes slide over the walls as I pile our plates with the food from the buffet.

  I don’t know what happened earlier. I fucked up something for sure. Definitely no drinking from now on. Women don’t like it when you’re drunk.

  I tilt my head to her, and we sit at a table. Star grabs a glass of water and takes a gulp.

  “Do you want something else to drink?” I ask. “Orange juice? Coke?”

  “No,” she growls, her cheeks flushed.

  “Eat your spaghetti, Star.”

  She puts the food into her mouth and swallows.

  “Good, isn’t it?” I say.


  I push a piece of chocolate brownie towards her, and she puts a bit into her mouth.

  “Yummy, huh?” I say.

  Star bangs her fist on the table, and other hotel guests stare at us with wide eyes.

  “Star, sweetheart, let’s go for a walk.”


  Her eyes turn glassy, her breath ragged.

  She grabs a fork, freezes for a split second, then clenches her jaw and stabs her own hand with it. I growl and tear the fork away from her. Blood comes out of three tiny holes in her hand and marks the white tablecloth. Nothing serious, but it’s gonna be painful for a few days. Star grabs a knife, but I grip her wrist and squeeze it. The knife drops to the table and clatters against the plate.

  Fuck. I’ve never seen her that mad. She can be moody or impatient, but I’ve always managed to calm her down. This outburst is something I’ve never seen before.

  Her dad has seen her like this. He’d mentioned this to Thunder a few times. Now I kind of understand Gabriel’s overprotective attitude.

  I rise to my feet, yank Star to me and scoop her up into my arms. I rush towards the exit. We leave the restaurant as she punches me in the face. Pain claws at my nose, and I feel blood gush from my nostrils. I stop, throwing her over my shoulder, and she slams her fist into my back. I smack her ass lightly with my hand in return. She growls like an animal as I shove her into the elevator. I bunch her wrists and immobilise her hands behind her back. The elevator goes up.

  “Star, what the fuck is wrong with you?” The moment my last word leaves my mouth I realise I shouldn’t have said that to her, nerves or not. “Star, baby, tell me what is happening. I want to help.”

  She growls furiously and wriggles. I grip the back of her neck and pu
sh her to her knees. The elevator dings, and I drag her out. She gasps and wiggles as I shove her into our room and throw her onto the bed as gently as I can manage.

  I sit by the wall and watch her. She grabs a pillow and throws it at me. I probably deserve this.

  “You are stupid,” she hisses.

  “You are very intelligent. You and me—that’s a perfect balance.”

  She grabs another pillow and throws it at me, fury painting her cheeks with a dark red colour.

  “I hate you,” she yells.

  “I love you, Star. I love you even more now. I will always love you, baby.”

  She freezes and ice fills my veins. Her fingers roll into fists and she jerks her body to the side then freezes again. I’ve been in shit many times. I know the feeling when something bad is just about to happen. And Star is clearly trying to do something stupid. I jump to my feet then onto the bed, and crush her body beneath mine. I bunch her wrists and pin them over her head.

  “Star,” I growl. “I. Love. You. You hear me?”

  She squirms beneath me, her desperate gasps breaking my heart. She’s nervous and sad and clearly can’t cope with all the emotions flooding her.

  “Star,” I say gently. “What’s wrong? Tell me, darling. Maybe I can help.”

  Her wild scared eyes fix on mine, and she blinks then gazes at me as though she’s a lost fawn.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I press my lips against hers.

  She sighs as if with relief.

  I kiss her deeper and her body softens beneath mine. My dick grows hard.

  “This is what you want?” I growl. “You want to get fucked? You want my cock inside your little pussy, right?”

  Her lips part. Her eyes widen and her chin trembles.

  “Tell me, Star.”

  She doesn’t say anything.

  I slam my lips on hers. I’m not gentle. My whole helplessness centres on this kiss. I raise my head. Her chin and lips are covered in my blood. I’ve never seen anything more tempting, more erotic than her in this moment.

  I run my hand up her outer thigh, pulling her dress up. She wiggles as I spread her legs with my knee. My fingers travel to her panties.


  She averts her face, her cheeks pink. Her breasts rise and fall.